姓名 |
陳濤 |
學位 |
博士 |
職稱 |
助理教授 |
導師情況 |
碩士研究生導師(專業型) |
研究領域 |
運動與健康促進 |
研究方向 |
身體活動流行病學❄️;健康老齡化 |
chentwhy@tongji.edu.cn |
聯系電話 |
13764925285 |
通訊地址 |
上海市四平路1239號體育館410室 |
簡 介 |
2015年畢業於日本九州大學,獲得行為系統專業(行為與健康科學)博士學位,主要從事身體活動流行病學和健康老齡化促進研究(2011年-至今)。目前,以共同研究員身份參與兩項大型日本社區老年隊列研究🗓。此外🤹🏻♀️,作為日本Sasaguri Gankimon Study老年隊列研究主要研究人員參與了一項國際認知機能隊列研究(Cohort Studies of Memory in an International Consortium,新南威爾士大學衰老與腦科學研究中心)。在J Gerontol A Biol Sci Med Sci.、BMC Geriatrics、J Epidemiol、PLoS Med、Sports Med等老年醫學、公共衛生、運動醫學等SSCI/SCI期刊發表有關老年人群身體活動💗、體適能、衰弱及認知功能等論文二十余篇。 近期相關課題: 1.公益財團法人醫療科學研究所2021年(第31期)研究基金😧,社區老年人認知衰弱與長期護理費用及醫療費用的關系:8年前瞻性研究,2021年11月-2022年12月👃🏼,共同主持 2.公益財團法人基金會綜合健康促進基金會2021年(第37期)一般研究基金,社區老年人社會活動與長期護理費用及醫療費用的關聯的前瞻性流行病學研究👩🏼🌾,2022年1月-2022年12月,共同主持 3.公益財團法人三井住友海上福祉財團2021年度研究基金,社區老年衰弱與長期護理費用及醫療費用的關系,2022年1月-2022年9月,共同主持 4.日本學術振興會,一般項目(C), JP17K09146,社區老年人加速度計測量的身體活動/久坐行為與長期護理風險的關聯:8年前瞻性研究, 2017-04至2020-03元,參與 代表性論文🧌: 1.Gong J, Harris K, Lipnicki DM,Chen T, et al. Sex differences in dementia risk and risk factors: Individual-participant data analysis using 21 cohorts across six continents from the COSMIC consortium. Alzheimers Dement. 2023. doi: 10.1002/alz.12962. Online ahead of print. 2.Saito T,Chen T, Yatsugi H, Chu T, Liu X, Kishimoto H. Association between the number of chronic pain sites and neuropathic-like symptoms in community-dwelling older adults with chronic pain: a cross-sectional study. BMJ Open. 2023 Feb 8;13(2):e066554. 3.Chen S*,Chen T*, Honda T, Nofuji Y, Kishimoto H, Narazaki K. Associations of Objectively-Measured Sedentary Time and Patterns with Cognitive Function in Non-Demented Japanese Older Adults: A Cross-Sectional Study. Int J Environ Res Public Health. 2022, 19(4):1999. (Co-1st author) 4.Chen T, Honda T, Chen S, Kishimoto H, Kumagai S, Narazaki K. Potential utility of physical function measures to improve the risk prediction of functional disability in community-dwelling older Japanese adults: a prospective study. BMC Geriatr. 2021 21, 476. 5.Chen T, Honda T, Chen S, Narazaki K, Shuzo Kumagai. Dose-Response Association Between Accelerometer-Assessed Physical Activity and Incidence of Functional Disability in Older Japanese Adults: A 6-Year Prospective Study. J Gerontol A Biol Sci Med Sci. 2020, 75(9):1763-1770. 6.Chen S,Chen T, Kishimoto H, Susaki Y, Kumagai S. Development of a Fried Frailty Phenotype Questionnaire for Use in Screening Community-Dwelling Older Adults. J Am Med Dir Assoc. 2020. 21(2):272-276. 7.Maasakkers C, Claassen J, Gardiner P,,Chen T, et al. The Association Of Sedentary Behaviour And Cognitive Function In People Without Dementia: A Coordinated Analysis Across Five Cohort Studies Sports Med. 2020. 50(2):403-413. 8.Lipnicki D, Makkar R, Crawford J,Chen T, et al. Determinants of cognitive performance and decline in twenty diverse ethno-regional groups: The COSMIC collaboration. 2019, PLoS Med. 23;16(7): e1002853 9.Chen T, Kishimoto H, Honda T, Hata J, Yoshida D, Mukai N, Shibata M, Ninomiya T, Kumagai S. Patterns and levels of sedentary behavior and physical activity in a general Japanese population: the Hisayama Study. Journal of Epidemiology. 2018, 28(5):260-265 10.Chen T, Narazaki K, Haeuchi Y, Chen S, Honda T, and Kumagai S. Associations of sedentary time and breaks in sedentary time with disability in instrumental activities of daily living in community-dwelling older adults. J Phys Act Health. 2016, 13(3):303-9. 11.Chen T, Narazaki K, Honda T, Chen S, Haeuchi Y, Nofuji Y, Matsuo E and Kumagai S. Tri-axial accelerometer-determined daily physical activity and sedentary behavior of suburban community-dwelling older Japanese adults. Journal of Sports Science and Medicine, 2015, |
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